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Grosvenor Road Primary School | Parkgate Drive | Swinton | Manchester | M27 5LN

Grosvenor Road Primary School

School Uniform

Uniform and Personal Belongings

We have a clear and strict dress code. This ensures your child's clothes are fit for purpose, and reduces competitive behaviour which can result in bullying.

Children at Grosvenor Road Primary School are expected to wear a uniform from Nursery upwards.

Main Uniform

  • Sweatshirt/Cardigan - burgundy, with or without the school logo 
  • Polo T-shirt - white or gold, with or without the school logo
  • Socks/Tights - plain, non-patterned, black, white or grey – summer socks may have a frill matching the gingham summer dress
  • Trousers - long or short, plain grey or black
  • Skirt - grey or black
  • Pinafore - grey or black
  • Summer Dress - red check
  • Shoes/Trainers - plain (no coloured brand logos), black, with a low heel, no open toe sandals, plain boots for winter

PE Kit

Children in Years 1 - 6 will need a PE kit. This should be kept in a bag labelled with your child's name, and can be left in school.

  • Black pumps
  • Loose fitting black shorts
  • Short sleeved white T-shirt
  • Plain black (non-patterned) tracksuit for cold weather

Please make sure your child's name is clearly written in all items of clothing. Unmarked items will be written in by members of staff.

Dress Code

Popular trends can cause difficulties in controlling uniform codes, and can compromise safety. We thoroughly support individualism, and love to see your children in their own styles and choices of fashion and accessories. Special days are set aside for this, called non-uniform days. However, when in school uniform we expect:

  • No extreme hairstyles – Mohawk styles should be flat and un-gelled, no patterns or logos shaved into hair, no coloured/streaked hair, 
  • Children with long hair need to have it tied back with a simple black or burgundy elastic hair band/bands (no  bows/ribbons/large scrunchies etc). They may also wear a plain block colour Alice band (black or burgundy) NB: NOT red
  • No makeup/false tan
  • No nail varnish or false nails
  • No high boots, heeled shoes or toeless sandals or fashion trainers
  • No jewellery – other than small, plain studs without attachments – these must be removed or covered with plasters for PE/Games and removed for Swimming

Mobile Phones

Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones or other IT equipment into school. A breach of this rule could severely compromise the safety of other children.

If a parent or carer of a child in YEAR 6 believes that there is a need for their child to be in possession of a mobile phone on their way to, or from school, they should complete the Headteacher’s Mobile Request Form to explain why this is so and why special dispensation should be allowed. The headteacher will only authorise this in exceptional circumstances and will make a decision in all cases. In cases where authorisation is given, the phone will be stored in the main office.

Other Personal Belongings

We should all be able to leave our personal belongings around school and know that they will remain there. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. We advise that children bring to school only what is needed, and do not leave personal items, including money, in their school bags or classroom trays.