Be the best you can be
Telephone: 0161 921 1200 Email:
Grosvenor Road Primary School | Parkgate Drive | Swinton | Manchester | M27 5LN

Grosvenor Road Primary School
Parkgate Drive
M27 5LN
Tel: 0161 921 1200
The first point of contact in school, to deal with queries from parents and members of the public, is Mrs Salt or Mrs Arnold, our School Clerks.
Mrs Johns is our Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo). Please contact Mrs Johns through the school office if you have any questions about SEND.
When you register your child with our school, we will ask for information that is intended to help to keep your child safe whilst they are with us. Children are sometimes ill or may have an accident during the school day. We may have to contact you at short notice.
Your child may be distressed if we are unable to contact you. It is therefore very important that we have up to date contact details for at least one parent and another person who can be contacted in an emergency.
Be assured that we will always err on the side of caution. If we are concerned we will contact you and discuss whether you need or want to come to school to check your child. In the case of an emergency, we would call an ambulance. Your child will be accompanied in the ambulance by a member of staff, and you will be contacted to meet us there.
The school has a number of qualified first aid trained staff, whose advice is always sought. Please be patient with us if we contact you for minor ailments – we would always rather be safe than sorry.